Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ask Me About Wood Badge!

The illustrious Scoutmaster of Wood Badge course SR-890 (Boyd Darling) asked if I could come up with some pocket things for the staff to wear to help recruit participants for the course. Hmmmm.....not so sure...hard to scroll saw all those words on so many items. Then it hit can transfer from a laser printer using a very hot iron....soldering iron hot... and there is just such an attachment for that purpose. Print them backwards and put them face down on the leather and iron quickly. After ruining several I finally got the hang of it and here is the result. These are on leather but the same technique can be used to transfer to cloth or wood too! ...opens up more possibilities!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Brad and Katy Come to Visit!

Brad and Katy came to Ft Smith to visit last night to visit and retrieve the truck that we borrowed from him to work on the rent house After playing dominoes last night and watching movies They packed up some of Brad's stuff in the truck and headed back this afternoon. They were going to visit friends in Altus including one guy whose family owns the Post winery. What a great day to drive in an un-airconditioned truck!!!....heat index to hit about 110!